Water is very important to plants; they literally can not live without it. Plants need water for photosynthesis, transpiration & to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Watering potted plants may seem so easy in that we think we are all doing it right at the start until our plants can’t survive for a long time regardless of the water & attention we give them. So let’s get into the tips. . .

1. Good Drainage

Before potting your plant, you MUST ensure that your plant will have a good drainage. Most of us can’t tell the amount of water the potted soil can take in so we need to make sure the excess water can get out in order to protect our plant roots from rotting.

– Create small holes at the bottom of the pot. Most plant pots have soft spots for these holes to be created. If your pot doesn’t have the spots, create the holes anyway.

Created holes on the pot. (Don’t mind the dirt, it was already planted in)

– Place stones (not big stones to fill your pot) at the bottom of the pot (especially on the holes) before you put in soil. Stones help drain out excess water & prevent soil from blocking the holes at the bottom.

So I would advise us to pot our own plants to make sure good drainage is in check but if we are buying already potted plants, we should ask about their drainage features.

2. Time for watering

Water your plants early morning; before the sun is out or in the evening; when the sun is gone to sleep. This will give the plant some time to take up the water before the heat of the day kicks in. Please DON NOT water the plants in the middle of the day even if you’ve just remembered to water, just let the day pass by and give them water in the evening.

3. The type of water to use.

You might get shocked if I told you that water you fetch from the tap and directly give it to your plants is making them sad, yellow or even die. Water from our water systems is treated with chemicals (chlorine & fluoride) and your plants don’t need these chemicals but there is a solution to this;

– Fetch and place the tap water in an open container outside for 24hrs before using it to water. If you find this hard to do, then you don’t love your plants enough.

-Collect rain water, have a rain water storage for your plants. I do this in the rainy season so that I have enough water to take me though the other seasons, if the water is done, then I opt for the solution I gave before this one.

– Also you can use natural water if you stay close to a water sources like a river, spring, borehole, . . use that water for your plants. Just love your plants more.

4. Where to water:

Water your plant directly in the soil. Avoid watering on the stems, leaves, buds & flowers. Plants absorb water using roots in the soil not leaves. Diseases are more likely to occur if water is continually poured on the plant direct instead of the soil.

5. Amount of water:

Potted plants tend to dry out more quickly than plants in-ground. This requires regular watering. Apply enough when watering your home plants, so that some little water comes out the drain hole at the bottom of the pot. Enough water doesn’t mean too much water friends. Too much water could run down soil salts & nutrients especially for pots that don’t have reserves they sit on.

Also to note, required amount of water may vary from species to species. For example with succulents & cactuses; poke your finger an inch into the soil to make sure it is dry before watering.

Happy succulent


  1. JulieTausha Avatar

    Thanks Lucky for these tips…my plants have been suffering. How many times are we supposed to water these plants?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Agaba Lucky Avatar

    Plants differ with their water intake, but once a day, let’s say; morning or evening should work for every plant on average


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